Sunday, April 24, 2011

Quotes ♥

Morning :) . I'm here to blog about some amazing quotes I found. 

 # Behind this innocent smile of mine, lay words left unsaid. Words of longing, love, anger, and hate, all repeated inside my head.
 # here we go. come with me. there's a world outside that we should see.
 # I cried a lot because of you.
 # You have a special way of making people SMILE.
 # i'd rather have one friend but feeling happy than have many friends but feeling alone.
 # True love isn't meaning 'Perfect Couple' but 'Perfect Love' .
 # people made promises. but most of them might break it.
# the mirror can lie. it doesn't show you what's inside. 
 # there are so many people out there who will tell you that you can't. What you've got to do is turn around and say, 'watch me'
 # I know I'm not beautiful, but everyday I hope you think that I am.
 # Things end. But memories last forever 
 # Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence.
 # It's not how good you are, It's how good you want to be.
 # Forget Him. You're beautiful and you will find love.
 # You are the reason why I became stronger. But still, You are my WEAKNESS 
# Take every chance , Drop every fear. 
 # Never settle for Less than you Deserve.
# Do what makes you happy 

Don't you feel that they're just so damn true? Just a simply short post here. Bye :))

Sunday, April 17, 2011

160411 , 羅志祥一萬零一夜演唱會 ♥

上篇文章 我說我到小豬羅志祥的演唱會不是講假的噢 我來更新啦 :D . 這篇我會用華語 因爲這樣才能寫出我的high度有多高 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD . 在還沒有進入話題之前 , 我在這裡要先說聲 '對不起' . 因爲那天是不能帶相機的 所以拍到的照片很朦很小 , 但是大概看得到啦 . 我坐蠻前面的 B-) !!

# My Outfit
這次我不要從早上說到晚上的 . 直接踏入正題 . 5點多到現場. 大家排隊搶著買周邊商品 . 可惜太多人買了 一下子就賣光咯 :( ! 拿票以後7點多入場 .
Yea I got myself a poster <3333 . 

我進場以後 就一個人坐著等時間過 還有找人信息消耗時間 zz . 然後來了2個從馬六甲來的朋友 她們一來到就跟我説話什麽的 幸虧還有人跟我一起high啦 不然那天我真的字high了 XD . They're also another crazy super fans of Show. 她們很cute

我到的時候很少人 所以沒什麽注意四周圍 . 可是還剩下15分鐘的時候 , 我看到真正的 [人山人海] . 真的是他媽的多人 !!!!! 
 関燈勒 , 真的很美 . 很多尖叫聲 . 我還沒有ki high , 所以我沒有喊 XD .
 開場就來這個如此 yao yeng的星球 . 我直接沒有形象跟旁邊的朋友一起尖叫 XDD ! 
開場 , 他一开口就说“Hari ini saya gembira di Malaysia, aku cinta padamu。”弄到大家很興奮 XD .由於不能拍照 我就只有這點照片啦 . 可是我找了video . 請專心 , 用心 地去看 . 這只是開場的短片噢 :))
當天他換了5/6套服裝吧如果我沒有記錯 . 唱了有20首歌 . Only U , 拚什麽 , 一萬零一夜 , 美麗的誤會等等 . 我每一首都跟著唱 哈哈 . 還有 , 唱《敗給你》的時候 他下來跟大家握手阿 拿人家的相機拍照!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 我直接傷心 因爲我在上面 只能看 TT......
看到嗎?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? 現場直接到爆點 !!! 超級HIGH的 XDDDDD . 他阿 還在拍照的時候 , 因爲沒有看鏡頭 說:再来一次,刚才我都不好看。XDD

他說了很多很好笑,很經典,很屌的話 , 
# 如果有帶男朋友來的, 不用在女朋友面前耍帥 , 因爲在她們眼裏 , 我 最 帥
大马的歌迷几时变得那么开放?今天是 一萬零一夜演唱會 不是“脱光”演唱会
#还记得早几年前曾来马演唱过《我不会唱歌》一曲而被媒体批“唱功平平”,所以我今天会再唱一次,证明给大家看。(真的 他唱功很好 . 是真材實料 . 擺脫不要說他不會唱歌 . 他很厲害 ! 謝謝)
# 今天來我的演唱會,專心看我好嗎 . 不要看那裏(大熒幕) . 每看過的回去看 . 在這裡 , 看我 ! 
# 大家都有玩FB TWITTER WEIBO MSN吧? 回去吧PM改了 寫 : 羅志祥 一萬零一夜演唱會 好看慘了 !!! 讓沒有來的朋友羡慕 

最後 , encore場以後 大家都還死死坐在那裏不走 . 拚命喊 : "羅志祥 .. 羅志祥 !! 羅志祥 .. 羅志祥 !! " "安可安可...." *一大堆尖叫聲* 他還是不出來 . 直到出动保安驱赶,大家才渐渐离场。

現在我也不知道要說什麽啦 . 因爲照片沒有聲音 . 現場比較好看 . 就當作欣賞一下場地多漂亮吧 :D . 我連自己去都可以high了 . 相信你們應該能夠感受我的興奮感 哈. that's all , bye :)

羅志祥 我愛你 

Friday, April 15, 2011

羅志祥 :))

Today morning, I was moody like hell. I didn't talk , I cried 
After assembly , I received a msg from mum : If you want go KL call me later.
I quickly phoned her. She said she bought the ticket for me. RM268's ticket. 
I was like O.O" and then I SCREAMED ! :DD 
My mood reached the highest point. Damn fucking happy. 
Thanks mum , I really love you so muachhhh ! xoxo. 
Yea no doubts, I TangWanYin is going to KL with my family tmrw see my idol :
They didnt go to the concert with me. I went there alone . But my parents bring me to KL. 
Afternoon we're going to SunwayLagoon. Hee ;)  
So the next post will be an article about 10001st night of his concert. 
I made something for him. Wanna know it ?Yea just wait for the next update!
Off to prepare things. Ciaoz. 

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Happy birthday, to Me ♥

Always wishing everyone , Happy Birthday Happy Birthday . And now it's my turn ;) . Happy Birthday to Me .It's 7/4 , I'm officially sweet16 . I passed the sweetest birthday ever ! Thanks to my friends & family , sisters & buddies xoxo ! And specially to my class , 4C4  . Thanks for the cake and present. I love all of you so darn much. Glad to know everyone of you . Cherish *

I received many wishes from message , facebook , twitter & plurk. I can't reply one by one . So , THANKS EVERYONE ! :DD . Ohh , and my babes wrote something for me on their blog . From Momo , Charmaine , Ziyun & Gorgeous Jia ! Thanks ily ily <3 .

7/4 , 4c4 buddies bought a so-called CB cake (Chocolate Banana cake) for me
It's really nice ! Thanks thanks thanks XD . 

After school. Headed to Seoul Garden to celebrate me & Khai Seong's birthday
 See ? I bought this for him ! I'm so good. lol -.-

We reached Seoul Garden about 3 . 3 taxi @ gate 5 and very accidentally met AhLee . hahh :P
 Birthday girl & boy . Awwh he's so black :x 
 YockLoon used 1 hour to do the present for Ks . He's opening it. 
 Know why they're laughing ? 
Because he received this -.- ! condom . Eww guys * hah.

Next , Friday (8/4/2011) I celebrated my belated birthday with classmates , Zhenlin , Josephine & Ky .We went Hooi Kee . They sang B'day song for me while eating . They're just so sweet & funny ! After that , headed to AiLee's tuition . Ops we're late :P . And you know what ? tuition ends at 9:45pm . I came out earlier. For what ? Next stop - Jusco with my cousins & brother. Watch THE GHOST MUST BE CRAZY !
Really crazy XD . I laughed non-stop in the cinema since it starts , but the ending is kinda pointless . It's not horror actually . So , no worries guys . Just open your eyes & watch it :D . 
Reached home about 12am . What a busy & unforgettable day . xoxo 

End my post ? Not yet not yet . Teehee * 
Until Saturday , I'd a small party @ my house. It's fun ! :DD 
Peoples who came : TanZhenLin , MomoHang , XiawenOoi , Josephine , AlvinWong , BillyKhoo , TanZhaoMing , GooiZishan & the craziest Kelvin pps . you guys made my day :) 
The photos were in Josephine's new cammie . She can't upload . But Momo had just updated her blog. Kindly take a look :))  Click this

Lastly , it's time to show off presents I received from friends & family. 
#1 A guitar from MOTHER . I love you mum .
 #2 The best present ! Words from all my VIPs . Thanks to Momo made this for me. XD
 #3 From my sister TanZhenLin  . She made this for me. HANDMADE ! Aww* I love it
 #4 From my classmates , 4c4 . The latest album of Show . They know me so well. My xiao zhu <3. But I love you all more than XiaoZhu ! Thanks everyone. xoxo
#5 It's from S/lynn  ! When I saw the paper she wrote for me. So Fuyan . But when I received this. awww so happy :*)
#6 From Numlin & XiaoPei . 雖然已經很久沒有見面 , 可是我們的感情還是很好 . 每次出門她們都會想到我 , 這份禮物琳特地拿來我傢給我的 . 謝謝你 你們 ! :))
#7 From 2 babe . Charmaine Yeap & Yuan Faith . They're sweet . Xie xie ni men oh ! 
#8 A very very big bunny ! From GooiZiShan , my best brother. Thanks har didi XD 
#9 Lastly , From Alvin Wong & Billy Khoo. Mr Domo XD . I love it , thanks guys ♥ 
Taadahh * new bed accompany :D . Shing , your spongie is still with me ! XD 

This is my birthday . Enjoy the post . Goodbye :))