Always wishing everyone , Happy Birthday Happy Birthday . And now it's my turn ;) . Happy Birthday to Me .It's 7/4 , I'm officially sweet16 . I passed the sweetest birthday ever ! Thanks to my friends & family , sisters & buddies xoxo ! And specially to my class , 4C4
♥ . Thanks for the cake and present. I love all of you so darn much. Glad to know everyone of you . Cherish *
I received many wishes from message , facebook , twitter & plurk. I can't reply one by one . So , THANKS EVERYONE ! :DD . Ohh , and my babes wrote something for me on their blog . From
Momo ,
Charmaine ,
Ziyun &
Gorgeous Jia ! Thanks ily ily <3 .
7/4 , 4c4 buddies bought a so-called CB cake (Chocolate Banana cake) for me
It's really nice ! Thanks thanks thanks XD .
After school. Headed to Seoul Garden to celebrate me & Khai Seong's birthday
See ? I bought this for him ! I'm so good. lol -.-
We reached Seoul Garden about 3 . 3 taxi @ gate 5 and very accidentally met AhLee . hahh :P
Birthday girl & boy . Awwh he's so black :x
YockLoon used 1 hour to do the present for Ks . He's opening it.
Know why they're laughing ?
Because he received this -.- ! condom . Eww guys * hah.
Next , Friday (8/4/2011) I celebrated my belated birthday with classmates , Zhenlin , Josephine & Ky .We went Hooi Kee . They sang B'day song for me while eating . They're just so sweet & funny ! After that , headed to AiLee's tuition . Ops we're late :P . And you know what ? tuition ends at 9:45pm . I came out earlier. For what ? Next stop - Jusco with my cousins & brother. Watch THE GHOST MUST BE CRAZY !
Really crazy XD . I laughed non-stop in the cinema since it starts , but the ending is kinda pointless . It's not horror actually . So , no worries guys . Just open your eyes & watch it :D .
Reached home about 12am . What a busy & unforgettable day . xoxo
End my post ? Not yet not yet . Teehee *
Until Saturday , I'd a small party @ my house. It's fun ! :DD
Peoples who came : TanZhenLin , MomoHang , XiawenOoi , Josephine , AlvinWong , BillyKhoo , TanZhaoMing , GooiZishan & the craziest Kelvin pps . you guys made my day :)
The photos were in Josephine's new cammie . She can't upload . But Momo had just updated her blog. Kindly take a look :))
Click this
Lastly , it's time to show off presents I received from friends & family.
#1 A guitar from MOTHER . I love you mum .
#2 The best present ! Words from all my VIPs . Thanks to Momo made this for me. XD
#3 From my sister TanZhenLin ♥ . She made this for me. HANDMADE ! Aww* I love it
#4 From my classmates , 4c4 . The latest album of Show . They know me so well. My xiao zhu <3. But I love you all more than XiaoZhu ! Thanks everyone. xoxo
#5 It's from S/lynn ♥ ! When I saw the paper she wrote for me. So Fuyan . But when I received this. awww so happy :*)
#6 From Numlin & XiaoPei . 雖然已經很久沒有見面 , 可是我們的感情還是很好 . 每次出門她們都會想到我 , 這份禮物琳特地拿來我傢給我的 . 謝謝你 ♥你們 ! :))
#7 From 2 babe . Charmaine Yeap & Yuan Faith . They're sweet . Xie xie ni men oh ! ♥
#8 A very very big bunny ! From GooiZiShan , my best brother. Thanks har didi XD
#9 Lastly , From Alvin Wong & Billy Khoo. Mr Domo XD . I love it , thanks guys ♥
Taadahh * new bed accompany :D . Shing , your spongie is still with me ! XD
This is my birthday . Enjoy the post . Goodbye :))