Hello everyone ! Im here to blog about my new year eve ;D
Celebrated my grandpa's birthday . Grandpa i love you , like i always do ! XOXO
He's the best man ever *at least in my heart* ;')
#Outfit of the day
Guys ! I feel so heartache to chop my hair . UGGRH !
Went HUI HUANG to eat our dinner . With the big big family !
My aunt uncle dad mum and a lot a lot a lot of KIDS !
Hmm let me flash back how many kids is there . 1..2..3...5..
Okay , There are 7 of them . Small kids and the eldest one is just standard 5 (my sis)
After dinner , I played my uncle's iphone4 . Love it so much ;( Sorry im just too greedy .
Then , everyone gathered to my house . Will show some photos here ;)
Love those cakes so much ! Yummy num nummm
Make a wish :]
Spot on the LIL JARDON . ♥
He's destroying my Piano , HURTS !
Then , We went to the 3rd floor . CHEONG-K ♥
Love him so much . My cutie !
super star ! She dance NOBODY ;D
That day was sweet & memorable . I love my family so much ! ♥
2010 is passed , Now it's a new year ! 2011 :]
For me , 2010 is not a good year . Many things happened , it's kinda complicated .
I hope that 2011 everything will be different . For sure , it should be better too .
4c4 is my class . Got yingshing , shwuting , weikhoon etc.
Shwuting is the girl same class with me since form 1 . 4 years dy . ahha !
But got someone is much more geng , ZM TAN (my 8 years same class friend since standard 2 until now)
I can't believe that i got a friend same class for so so many years . What the hell ?
Btw , Glad to know you my friend ;D .
Next , some words to my dearest
For JEFF : You're going to NS tomorrow. Please rmb to take care yourself . Imy ♥ I think many things i told you through msg dy . You know i know , then enough la ! X) .2011 , wish you all the best <3 . No matter what happen , You still got me :')
For CATHY : My dearest Jie ! 2008 not that good , 2009 better , 2010 everyday talk phone . Go your house always eat tomyam play computer badminton kapsiao til midnight etc .This year SPM liao . JIA YOU :D I hope 2011 will be better & better . I love you sister / XOXO
For ZHENLIN : My tang mui & sister , The one who always talk loudly and funny things .Now our relation seems better than last time . cause we always meet ? haha . Sometimes i will go to stay @ your house , cheong k play piano . Now less dy :( Next time lah okay ? ;) You're the best in my heart , ily ♥
For LYNN : We knew each other since f2 , we're the best sisters but we got alot of arguement XD We sit together last year . Always kap siao but until last you get 7A i .... TT ! I think many things told you through fb dy right ? 016 ! haha . Sister forever ♥ . And as you said : NO MORE ARGUEMENT BETWEEN US ! NO MORE !!!
For MOMO : 8 years old friend ! In our memories i think got a lot of sweet things right ? haha . Like .. We played barbie doll , went to your shop's balcony dance , practice for story telling competiton , went to your house bbq etc . Those are sweet enough for me ! Thanks babeh ! ♥
For XIAWEN : We shao shao dou got 10 years friend liao . I rmb th 1st time i knew you is because we went to the same tuition centre (teacher sim) I think you forgotten ? haha . Actually the memories between me & you also not less. Still rmb that we go bicycle whole taman, Took some brick and gathered together cooked some flowers ;P With si yan ming shan & yee. 2011 , sisters forever ily :D
Lastly , For the special KL LANG : Inn tan Siaopo ! We same class when we're in 2B8 . My f2 classmate Seriously , you're cute ! But now very bps & horrible XD Next time rmb when you come back must stay my house again .Because we're having alot of fun together . XOXO Babe i love you , Happy New Year !!!
It's my pleasure to know all of you in my life . All of you , make my life meaningful ! ♥