How is it ? comment please
Afternoon , went to PCF w/ Sim & Pan
Their name so easy so call. Sim & Pan Sim & Pan ~~ XD !
We know nothing let us do . so we watched 2 movies. Ahhhh so tired @@I watched Prince of Persia AGAIN because of mr.Sim . hng
Now i only know that , some movie watched twice will die. hahaha
And then meet up w wenwen at MCD ♥♥We meet up for a while only. Then we fast fast go cinema again.
Watched Karate kid. this movie is recommended !!!!
Althought the movie showed 2 hours ++ . 坐到我屁股都扁去 -,-
But really so so nice. So yeng and sometime so touched.
Then at night. Went to watch BB play bsb.
Me & Pan so excited la ! hahahahaha
Although th comp..... =X but still , well done la BB ! ♥
Love you :)
ps: Oh my we're not going to contact for 3 days. WHAT TO DO !! i'll miss you :(
pps: Pei pei's coming later and night im going to meet up numlin @ auto city ! Stay tuned for my next post
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