@taken by tys
This is my new facebook account . Because the previous one've been hacked .
Restaurant City & Country Story need to play again. Sien la .
I played so long . And now , need to play again because of this hacker . Roar !
Don't talk about this . So annoying *hng hng hng*
Talk about today , Sukan Tahunan .
Finally ! everything ended . AHHA . Pengawas sukan're tired . ><
Ytd night . Many people came my house . Overnight .
Woots . i slept 2 hours only . So , when i reached home just now . I slept another 4 hours.
But now im still tired tired XD . Going to sleep very soon ! :D
Today morning really so exhausted . Gosh ! Especially when we're selling waters
Mr.beh always go kacau teachers make them feel annoyed XDDDDDDD lmao
Luckily no more Sukans . If not i don know how to die .
One word : T-I-R-E-D /.\
Friends , rest more yea ; )
Now it's time to bed . Byebye ~ ♥
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