Idk wanna start my post from where. Just .. Let me flash back ;D
3/9 - Acity with Numlin and friends
That day , JJ went to acity . But when we're thr . JJ looks so small like my tiny lil toes.
So we gave up and went to choose formal dress for next day's installation XD .
And had our dinner @ iceicebaby . Nothing special, just shake shake whole acity. ahha.
4/9 - Hua Lian Installation . LOVELY DAY
Lin came my house 1st . Ya she said she's snow white. hahaha ! pretty girl she is. :P
Then we took some photos.
Took some photos from huisim . X)
# Ladies
♥ 80% were me and lin . Because we love to take photo everywhere anywhere. HAHAHA!
We played so many things and just laugh out loud when you know what's going on dude. XD
8/9 - Went sunway with numlin , swei , yingmei and their boyfs ! (im big bulb)
They came to my house, make up make up !!
Went there and we watched Piranha. WHAT THE HELL SO SUCKS.
It's a nice movie but too horror dy . i cant imagine one day i became like so blooody ...
#Sweeeeet hor ?? HAHA
All couple left me and ying mei . HOW SAD !!!!! ;(
But nvm la. at least i pass my day happily . wuhooooooooo X)
9/9 - Went out with Jeff Lam ♥
Pacific , acity . Watched Step up 3D. YENG LO MA DE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That stupid idiot pork guy think too much & after back only know that he's unhappy. SORRY ♥!!
After that we went to walk here walk there walk everywhere . ahha ;D
Im really so freakin happy that day . But ....... ok i shut up =X .
Night we went acity , had our dinner @ iceicebaby .
Then we went to the 跳蚤市场 . Bought watches ! *we got th same one*
10/9 - Ipoh ; Lost World with family
Early in th morning ! (10:30am) == .. Then kin kin start our journey X) .
Dad wants to use GPRS and let me huanlo for 1 hour. wth wth wth ...
When we reached there , i saw this :
Cool ! ahha.
Wuhoo My family . ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
We played water and there was so freakin fun ! After pmr we should go . ahha.
Sorry i didnt take photos when im playing . Nobody wants to be th camera man ;P
So long time didnt play like this dy . awww*
After playing in th water area , Then we went to see some animals.
Nice hor ? my god !
Cute lil thing, AWW*
Im so super happy that day <3 !!!!!!!!
12/9 - Bukit Kayu Hitam with parents.
Early in th morning (11:00am) == .. HAHA
Went there to ate lunch . YENG HOR ?? I OSO THINK SO .
The place is on a lake. awwwww*
They used boat to send th foods. Chio lo . my god.
And th fish above is one of my favourite. NICE !!
Dear readers , i should end here right now because im so tired .
Like my post ? Leave a comment then ;D / ♥
Will be back when im free. DON ALWAYS CALL ME UPDATE. thanks